We help organizations create demand for complex solution offerings with compelling value propositions in competitive sales campaigns. We implement learning programs and offer design and consulting services that help your customer-facing leaders and teams produce superior results with more skillful execution of skills, processes, and strategies.


Upon completion, you’ll be able to:

Understand the relationship between due diligence and the early credibility that can be established
Use new skills and techniques for developing stronger, more trusted relationships with customers
Connect more efficiently with the issues and individuals of importance in the customer account Improve discovery questioning types and techniques
Focus the discovery process on guiding the customer to consider different elements of their situation for which there are solutions
Be able to apply a structured framework that will drive insightful, comprehensive discovery across all the different domains of the customer’s situation
Use an insightful Discovery Summary as the basis for presenting a solution
Understand how to raise the customer’s visibility into and value perception of all the different elements of the offering
Leverage a successful commitment into future business within the account and with other customers

Upon completion, you’ll be able to:

More effectively engage with key individuals and critical issues within their targeted customer accounts.
More efficiently acquire insight into their customers’ business plans, priorities, preferences, and projects.
Understand how to organize themselves to more efficiently gather account insight on an ongoing basis.
Know what to focus on amidst the enormous amount of public data available today.
Know how to leverage the new set of Web 2.0 and social networking tools to make their Due Diligence activity more efficient and less effortful.
Develop a set of discovery questions that demonstrate to the customer that you have invested the time and developed the insight that sets you apart from other salespeople
Be more comfortable approaching more senior people as they are more informed and better prepared to engage in a credible conversation about the customer’s business.
Leave the session with a tactical plan for engaging an account with the relevant issues and with 3-5 key individuals within their target account.

Upon completion, you’ll be able to:

A clear understanding of what Insight Selling is, what it is not, and where the effort involved has the greatest payoff.
Skills and strategies for answering The Core Question: What we firmly believe the customer is missing or getting wrong.
A simple process for connecting insights to a Unique Advantage that we have relevant to the customer’s situation.
4-6 curated Insight Selling Messages captured in a format that can be told as third party stories by any member of the customer-facing team.
A replicable process for sales and marketing to collaborate on the development of Insight Selling Story content.
A strategy for tracking progress and capturing lessons learned.

Upon completion, you’ll be able to:

Be a more successful negotiator both in short term, day-to-day negotiations and longer term, complex ones
Communicate more effectively with colleagues, customers, suppliers, and other business partners Identify their unconscious default negotiating style, and learn ways to modify their style to better fit the demands of the negotiation situation
Manage the process – not just the content – of the negotiation
Reach satisfying, sound agreements that are good for themselves, their department, and company where the relationship is maintained and possibly improved
Understand the role that leverage and reciprocity play in the give and take of the negotiation conversation
Plan for the inevitable concessions in a way that preserves your margins
Be better able to deal successfully with the aggressive ”hardball” negotiator and identify and counter their tactics
Build – and test – a plan for a live, current negotiation

Upon completion, you’ll be able to:

Understand how they are perceived by their customers, and compare that perception with their own self-perception through personalized feedback
Understand their strengths and weaknesses in terms of the impact on their ability to understand and influence others, both internal support staff and customers
Quickly assess the Social Styles of customers, partners, managers, support personnel, and others
Understand how different kinds of customers react differently to various levels of tension and how to manage that tension to create a productive selling environment
Understand how to make temporary adjustments in their behavior – assertiveness and responsiveness – in order to better meet the needs of other individuals important to their success
Learn style-based techniques for avoiding, managing, and minimizing tension in a sales relationship
Identify elements of the four sources of social endorsement that drives the perception of their versatility
Implement strategies for optimizing their understanding of and influence on each of the four Social Styles, at each of the different stages of the sales and buying process

Upon completion, you’ll be able to:

Develop an understanding of some of the reasons why change management efforts often fall short of their mark all together
Understand the range of natural, normal human responses to change
Appreciate the distinction between change and transition
Learn the 3 processes that people need to progress through in their own transitions
Understand that different team members land in different places and sales leadership’s job is to help them through the transitions efficiently and engage the new beginnings
Develop new strategies and tactics for helping your own sales team members manage through their current and upcoming transitions
Work together on real, current, and important upcoming changes in your organization and develop specific recommendations in for leading the teams more effectively through them.

Upon completion, you’ll be able to:

Qualify the opportunity at any point in the sales process, using a structured approach and common terminology that facilitates communication throughout the organization
Analyze the customer’s political organization to identify and align with the right decision-makers
Construct a political strategy aimed at establishing credibility and value with the most powerful people in the account
Design tactical call plans to influence the positions of decision makers
Understand how to select and execute specific, competitively-referenced sales strategies in an active sales campaign
Develop, test, and refine simple sales plans for live, current opportunities, creating immediate and measurable results
Understand how to raise the customer’s visibility into and value perception of all the different elements of the offering
Leverage a successful commitment into future business within the account and with other customers. By the end of the program, each participant will have an improved, tested sales plan ready for execution.

Upon completion, you’ll be able to:

Establish a baseline of what success in the account looks like both to your customer and to your company
Develop insights into the customer business plans, priorities, and projects that represent your own best opportunities to deliver the most value
Better understand your own customers’ strategies at the enterprise, BU, and product-level, and then use that understanding to differentiate.
Identify new revenue streams to supplement your run rate business by better understanding the customer’s business and anticipating future requirements
Develop relationship strategies designed to establish influential relationships with those in the account who can truly drive your success
Develop insights into those areas that would provide unexpected and highly differentiated value for your customer with their customers
Prioritize and allocate account team resources effectively to ensure comprehensive coverage of the accounts
Improve account team internal and external coordination
Have learned a repeatable process to apply to other accounts
Produce an executable plan to identify, plan and prioritize resources and develop strategies to drive your company’s engagement with the account over the next few periods

Upon completion, you’ll be able to:

Develop new and successful ways to maintain margin when up against strategic, organized, “hardball”, supply chain management strategies.
Gain insight into supply chain management strategies of various types and their implications for managing your account relationships and defending your margin.
Understand the common hardball tactics, and be able to identify the use of those tactics in both past and current customer negotiations.
Learn a process to counterbalance hardball tactics and preserve the customer relationship.
Expand the comfort level of the field in using the process to handle organized, strategic procurement processes.
Action plan for a current and future strategic negotiation.


Upon completion, you’ll be able to:

Understand the relationship between due diligence and the early credibility that can be established
Use new skills and techniques for developing stronger, more trusted relationships with customers
Connect more efficiently with the issues and individuals of importance in the customer account Improve discovery questioning types and techniques
Focus the discovery process on guiding the customer to consider different elements of their situation for which there are solutions
Be able to apply a structured framework that will drive insightful, comprehensive discovery across all the different domains of the customer’s situation
Use an insightful Discovery Summary as the basis for presenting a solution
Understand how to raise the customer’s visibility into and value perception of all the different elements of the offering
Leverage a successful commitment into future business within the account and with other customers

Upon completion, you’ll be able to:

More effectively engage with key individuals and critical issues within their targeted customer accounts.
More efficiently acquire insight into their customers’ business plans, priorities, preferences, and projects.
Understand how to organize themselves to more efficiently gather account insight on an ongoing basis.
Know what to focus on amidst the enormous amount of public data available today.
Know how to leverage the new set of Web 2.0 and social networking tools to make their Due Diligence activity more efficient and less effortful.
Develop a set of discovery questions that demonstrate to the customer that you have invested the time and developed the insight that sets you apart from other salespeople
Be more comfortable approaching more senior people as they are more informed and better prepared to engage in a credible conversation about the customer’s business.
Leave the session with a tactical plan for engaging an account with the relevant issues and with 3-5 key individuals within their target account.

Upon completion, you’ll be able to:

A clear understanding of what Insight Selling is, what it is not, and where the effort involved has the greatest payoff.
Skills and strategies for answering The Core Question: What we firmly believe the customer is missing or getting wrong.
A simple process for connecting insights to a Unique Advantage that we have relevant to the customer’s situation.
4-6 curated Insight Selling Messages captured in a format that can be told as third party stories by any member of the customer-facing team.
A replicable process for sales and marketing to collaborate on the development of Insight Selling Story content.
A strategy for tracking progress and capturing lessons learned.

Upon completion, you’ll be able to:

Be a more successful negotiator both in short term, day-to-day negotiations and longer term, complex ones
Communicate more effectively with colleagues, customers, suppliers, and other business partners Identify their unconscious default negotiating style, and learn ways to modify their style to better fit the demands of the negotiation situation
Manage the process – not just the content – of the negotiation
Reach satisfying, sound agreements that are good for themselves, their department, and company where the relationship is maintained and possibly improved
Understand the role that leverage and reciprocity play in the give and take of the negotiation conversation
Plan for the inevitable concessions in a way that preserves your margins
Be better able to deal successfully with the aggressive ”hardball” negotiator and identify and counter their tactics
Build – and test – a plan for a live, current negotiation

Upon completion, you’ll be able to:

Understand how they are perceived by their customers, and compare that perception with their own self-perception through personalized feedback
Understand their strengths and weaknesses in terms of the impact on their ability to understand and influence others, both internal support staff and customers
Quickly assess the Social Styles of customers, partners, managers, support personnel, and others
Understand how different kinds of customers react differently to various levels of tension and how to manage that tension to create a productive selling environment
Understand how to make temporary adjustments in their behavior – assertiveness and responsiveness – in order to better meet the needs of other individuals important to their success
Learn style-based techniques for avoiding, managing, and minimizing tension in a sales relationship
Identify elements of the four sources of social endorsement that drives the perception of their versatility
Implement strategies for optimizing their understanding of and influence on each of the four Social Styles, at each of the different stages of the sales and buying process

Upon completion, you’ll be able to:

Develop an understanding of some of the reasons why change management efforts often fall short of their mark all together
Understand the range of natural, normal human responses to change
Appreciate the distinction between change and transition
Learn the 3 processes that people need to progress through in their own transitions
Understand that different team members land in different places and sales leadership’s job is to help them through the transitions efficiently and engage the new beginnings
Develop new strategies and tactics for helping your own sales team members manage through their current and upcoming transitions
Work together on real, current, and important upcoming changes in your organization and develop specific recommendations in for leading the teams more effectively through them.

Upon completion, you’ll be able to:

Qualify the opportunity at any point in the sales process, using a structured approach and common terminology that facilitates communication throughout the organization
Analyze the customer’s political organization to identify and align with the right decision-makers
Construct a political strategy aimed at establishing credibility and value with the most powerful people in the account
Design tactical call plans to influence the positions of decision makers
Understand how to select and execute specific, competitively-referenced sales strategies in an active sales campaign
Develop, test, and refine simple sales plans for live, current opportunities, creating immediate and measurable results
Understand how to raise the customer’s visibility into and value perception of all the different elements of the offering
Leverage a successful commitment into future business within the account and with other customers. By the end of the program, each participant will have an improved, tested sales plan ready for execution.

Upon completion, you’ll be able to:

Establish a baseline of what success in the account looks like both to your customer and to your company
Develop insights into the customer business plans, priorities, and projects that represent your own best opportunities to deliver the most value
Better understand your own customers’ strategies at the enterprise, BU, and product-level, and then use that understanding to differentiate.
Identify new revenue streams to supplement your run rate business by better understanding the customer’s business and anticipating future requirements
Develop relationship strategies designed to establish influential relationships with those in the account who can truly drive your success
Develop insights into those areas that would provide unexpected and highly differentiated value for your customer with their customers
Prioritize and allocate account team resources effectively to ensure comprehensive coverage of the accounts
Improve account team internal and external coordination
Have learned a repeatable process to apply to other accounts
Produce an executable plan to identify, plan and prioritize resources and develop strategies to drive your company’s engagement with the account over the next few periods

Upon completion, you’ll be able to:

Develop new and successful ways to maintain margin when up against strategic, organized, “hardball”, supply chain management strategies.
Gain insight into supply chain management strategies of various types and their implications for managing your account relationships and defending your margin.
Understand the common hardball tactics, and be able to identify the use of those tactics in both past and current customer negotiations.
Learn a process to counterbalance hardball tactics and preserve the customer relationship.
Expand the comfort level of the field in using the process to handle organized, strategic procurement processes.
Action plan for a current and future strategic negotiation.


National Instruments
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Quantum Clean
Stilla Technologies
Automation Anywhere
Millipore Sigma
Maxim Integrated
Life Augmented
Cirrus Logic
Lam Research
Paloalto Networks
Cypress Perform
Global Foundries
Applied Materials


National Instruments
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Quantum Clean
Stilla Technologies
Automation Anywhere
Millipore Sigma
Maxim Integrated
Life Augmented
Cirrus Logic
Lam Research
Paloalto Networks
Cypress Perform
Global Foundries
Applied Materials


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